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Priyanka Jaiswal

Research Scholar
Institute of Home Science
Bundelkhand University
Jhansi 284128, Uttar Pradesh, India

Meenakshi Singh

Associate Professor
Institute of Home Science
Bundelkhand University
Jhansi 284128, Uttar Pradesh, India


Female feticide is one of the visible violence against women and now this is spreading across the country. Someone has to take action against this crime but is helpless. So, the present study was planned to assess association of family planning and birth control with age and sex ratio. The study was conducted in Utttar Pradesh state with nine districts randomly selected on the basis of sex-ratio i.e. high, middle and low. Fifty respondents were randomly selected from each district. Data was collected by using standardized scale “Family Planning and Birth Control Attitude Scale” developed by Dr. M. Rajamanickam (2005) with four variables (Family Planning, Birth Control, Abortion, and Age of Marriage). Results revealed that majority of female respondents (52%) were in early adulthood (18-40 yrs) category while majority of male respondents (52%) were in middle age (41-60 yrs) category and vice versa. Equal percentage of male and female (50%) respondents was in all districts of high, middle and low sex-ratio. Results throws light on four variables in which mean value was seen more in family planning variable i.e.-31.19 in middle sex-ratio districts. Mean values in other three variables were i.e. – Birth Control-30.09, Abortion-26.33, and Age of Marriage-30.45. Data further asserted that significant association was found between all variables. (Family planning F=9.68, Birth Control F=3.85, Abortion F=9.54, and Age of Marriage F=9.29) and districts of all sex-ratio. In case of age, data further pin pointed that regarding family planning variable; mean value was more (30.90) in middle age group. Mean values in other three variables were i.e. Birth Control-30.10, Abortion-25.81, and Age of Marriage-30.09. Data further reported that significant association was found between all variables. i.e. Family planning (t=3.39) Birth Control t=3.90, Abortion=5.12, Age of Marriage t=3.59. It is concluded that districts with middle sex ratio and middle age respondents were in favor of family planning and birth control.

Key words: Female Feticide, Family Planning, Birth Control.

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