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Impact of Intervention on Aggressive Adolescents of Haryana

Deepika Sharma

PhD. Scholar
Department of Human development and Family Studies
I.C College of Home Science

Sheela Sangwan

Department of Human development and Family Studies
I.C College of Home Science


The present study “Impact of Intervention on Aggressive Adolescents of Haryana” was undertaken with the specific objectives viz (i) to study the nature of adolescents’ aggressive behavior ii) to study the impact of intervention on adolescents’ behavior. The data was collected from Hisar District of Haryana. Standardized Scale Aggression by Mathur and Bhatnagar (2012) was used to study the nature of adolescent aggressive behavior. Intervention programme was developed to cope up with aggressive behavior. The collected data were tabulated, processed and analyzed by employing statistical technique i.e. paired ’t’ test. The results of study indicated that area and gender wise significant differences were found in physical, verbal and relational aggression among experimental group adolescents after execution of intervention program. Overall, aggression was significantly reduced in adolescents of Haryana in post-testing stage.

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