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Indian Journal of Social Research, Vol. 60 No. 1 (January – February), 2019

Pialy W. Momin, A. Manivannan, P. R. Nisha, P. Thilakar, G. Senthil KumarComparative Demographic Profile of Undergraduate Students in Academic Colleges at Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Chennai, India1
S M Dhavan, R M KambleSocioecomic Status and Obstetric History of Post-Menopausal Women in Kolhapur City of Maharashtra9
V Sujatha, K Mahalakshmi Malika, V K Ravindra Kumar, P SreekanthNature of Attitude and Adjustment of Adult Children with Elderly parents: A Study in Ananthapur district of Andhra Pradesh17
G G Chauhan, Mahaveer Choudhary, J B Dobariya, Sandip S SonavaneRelationship Between Characteristics and their Decision Making Pattern of the Tribal Women in Dairy Farming25
Zahid HussainSense of Identity and Community: A Case Study of Kashmiri Diaspora Abroad35
Veerpal Kaur, Dharampal Jyoti, Gurinder Kaur, Gian SinghLevels, Pattern and Distribution of Consumption Expenditure of Women Labour Households in Rural Punjab49
S Kaushik, Saloni Goyal, Komal ChandiramaniPerpetuation of Everlasting Stereotypes: Stereotype Threat and Performance of Female Undergraduates69
Shalini Pandey, Rajshree UpadhyayUtilization of Farm Telecasts by Farm Women of Udaipur79
Meera D K, Suma DivakarPrevalence of Diabetes Among Nurses Working in Hospitals of Thiruvananthapuram85
Purnendu ModakThe Nexus Between Child Marriage and Women Empowerment with Physical Violence Among High Prevalence States in India93
Debela Hailu, Mohammednur AhmedEffects of Government Support Interventions on Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Ambo Town, Ethiopia107
Mohammed Ashraf Cheethanapuravan,A. BalakrishnanNationalization of Workforce in Gulf Countries and its Impact on Kerala Society121
Arindam Chakrabarty, Tenzing Norbu, Mudang TagiyaShould We Limit to Taste Tea or Proceed to Test Its Economy as Well?127
P Sanjeevi, K MahandrakumarA Study on Changes in Agronomic Practices of Farmers to Overcome Drought Situations in Namakkal District of Tamilnadu State137
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