V. Sujatha
Research Scholar
Department of Sociology
Sri Venkateswara University
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
K. Mahalakshmi Malika
Research Scholar
Department of Social Work
Sri Venkateswara University
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
V. K. Ravindra Kumar
Department of Population Studies
Sri Venkateswara University
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
P. Sreekanth
Department of Human Rights
Sri Venkateswara University
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
Adult children can be most effective in helping parents, if they understand the changes taking place in the parent’s life. How they feel about these changes and the implication of these changes. One of the most significant characteristics of aging is loss of roles like health, independence, financial security, bondage with spouse, children and friends. Losses may be multiple or occur in such rapid succession that the person is not able to adjust to one loss before being confronted with another. The way, a parent responds to circumstances may affect the relationship with their child. The decline of a parent’s health, the death of one parent or financial pressures often mean an aging parent will need more help from the family such as help with meals, cleaning, transportation or financial matters. Many of adult children today confronted with decisions that will affect their life and their parent’s life. Close relationships help in decision making and ease the burdens of care giving. Those adult children and parents, who have positive feelings about each other, involves in mutual assistance and affection, are better prepared to deal with the changes and difficulties of Aging. For other adult children, conflicts and unresolved issues from childhood and adolescence can mean continuing conflicts and negative feelings in later life. Being called upon to provide support for an aging parent can then be particularly difficult. Feelings between the adult child and aging parent go back many years and run deep. There may be simultaneous feelings of closeness and conflict that complicate matters. The purpose of this paper is to foster positive relationships and greater understanding between generations. The factors influencing relationships and steps both generations can take to enhance their relationships are focused.