Bhagya Vijayan
Scientist ICAR-CSSRI,
Karnal Haryana (India)
Himani Priya
Scientist ICAR-IARI,
Gauria Karma Jharkand (India)
Ankitha Kandpal
Scientist NIAP
New Delhi (India)
Deep Mohan
Scientist ICAR-IIMR,
Ludhiana Punjab (India)
Mahesh Kumar
Scientist ICAR-CAZRI,
Jodhpur Rajasthan (India)
Chirag Maheshwari
Scientist ICAR-CIAE,
Bhopal Madhya Pradesh (India)
Agriculture is a sin-qua-non for a nation’s progress. Often the emphasis is on the productivity element. An in-depth study is inevitable in the production process which is plagued by climate vagaries and various anthropogenic factors. A batch of Agriculture Research Service providers comprising of six Scientists of various disciplines have made and attempt to study the nittygritties of agriculture employing participatory rural appraisal technique for identification of agricultural field problems . The village selected is Malpur village of Rajasthan. The study was conducted in 2018 during the Field Experience Training as Agriculture Research Service probationers.
Key words: Participatory Rural Appraisal, Field Experience Training, Agriculture.