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Problems Encountered by the Wheat Growers in the Utilization of Communication Sources

Y S Bagal

Ph.D. Scholar
Division of Agricultural Extension Education
SKUAST- Jammu, 180009, J&K

L K Sharma

Assistant Professor
Division of Agricultural Extension Education
SKUAST- Jammu, 180009, J&K

Rakesh Kumar

Ph.D. Scholar
Division of Agricultural Extension Education
SKUAST- Jammu, 180009, J&K


With the development in agricultural research, the need arises to rapidly and accurately transfer new information and technologies to the end user i.e. farmers. To fulfill this need, media (print and electronic) and interpersonal communication has proved its usefulness in creating awareness about new agricultural technologies. But there are certain problems/ constraints which are faced by the farmers in utilization of communication sources. Keeping this in view this study was conducted on systematically randomly selected 120 wheat growers of Samba district of Jammu and Kashmir state. A well structured interview schedule was prepared for taking responses. The results revealed that less sharing of information among farmers, distant location of agricultural university, method demonstrations, field days, Kissan mela, exhibition, result demonstration were not organized on regular basis, having less time to use mass media sources and illiteracy were the bigger hindrance in the utilization of communication sources.

Keywords: Communication sources, Constraints, Information, Illiteracy.

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